PHMSA Agrees to Hold Listening Session

Um, listening? We've been talking for 4 years. We have had a private meeting with PHMSA. They not only told us how and why they could not/would not help, they sold us out to Algonquin by letting them (Algonquin/Spectra/Enbridge) know that they met with us. Then Algonquin used this information to lie to Coastal Zone Management that there had been a PUBLIC MEETING with local safety people. NOPE. Just 3 of us in a room with a Ms. Karen Gentile from PHSMA. All of us representing FRRACS.

Listening? Yeah, I'm sure all of us have plenty to say. Stay tuned, Campers. We'll be needing your help.

The administrator of the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has agreed to hold a public listening session in Weymouth to address "serious and documented concerns" over a proposed natural gas compressor station there, U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch said Tuesday. Lynch wrote to PHMSA administrator Howard "Skip" Elliott on Jan. 15 asking for a field hearing on the compressor station, an Enbridge Energy project that has met opposition from resident groups and South Shore officials. Elliott agreed to the listening session during a conference call, according to Lynch's office, which said the South Boston Democrat hosted a meeting with local officials -- including Mayors Bob Hedlund of Weymouth, Tom Koch of Quincy and Joe Sullivan of Braintree, Rep. Ron Mariano and Sens. Patrick O'Connor, John Keenan and Walter Timilty -- after his discussion with Elliott to "present a united front against the proposal." "We cannot not (sic) sit idly by while the health and safety of our residents is being threatened for profits," Lynch said in a statement. "It's important we work together in this fight against the proposed compressor station. I do believe if we stick together and fight hard, we can win." The Baker administration earlier this month approved air quality permits for the compressor station, despite the objections of opponents who said current levels of formaldehyde and benzene in the project's Fore River basin area are already above recommended state limits for the carcinogens. A health impact assessment ordered by Baker in 2017 and conducted by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council predicted "no substantial changes in health from direct exposures from the station itself with the exception of sound levels during construction." - Katie Lannan/SHNS