Gov. Baker: Where are you, Sir?

It’s been four years since we started this fight. Four. And Gov. Baker has yet to travel 20 miles to the South Shore to visit the proposed site. If he saw it, there’s no way he could continue to make excuses for this project. All of our local elected officials have both been to the site AND have spoken out against the dangerous project. Charlie Baker is alone in his silence. We call on him to speak out against the project, and we call on him to visit the site. The site is within a 1-mile radius of thousands of families and children who live, work, and go to school in the area. It’s time for Charlie Baker to speak up and take action, for the people, not for the polluters.

Call Gov. Baker and ask him: "Where are you, sir?" Here's his number: 617-725-4005

-Ask him about his 2017 directive which included three items: an assessment of the impact of air quality on public health; a public safety threat review; and a climate resilience review. We have heard nothing about the last two (safety and climate); when will these reviews be released??

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