The compressor station site is directly adjacent to the Fore River Bridge, and abuts the Water Treatment Plant and Kings Cove Public Park. It is within 1/2 mile of over 900 homes.
3,100 children. 33 educational facilities. 900+ residential properties.
Enbridge built their toxic compressor station right next to a public park, and between the new Fore River Bridge and the Water Treatment Plant. This poses serious risks to transportation, with 34,000 cars crossing the bridge each day.
There are more than 900 Homes within a 1/2-mile, while 3,100 kids live or go to school within 1 mile of the site! There are more than 13,000 children who attend 33 different schools within 3 miles of the site. (Sources.)
Facts About Where Compressor Stations Are Usually Built
Compressor Stations around the country are usually built:
In rural locations, away from densely populated residential areas
On 50+ acre parcels of land, to ensure safety during normal operations and in case of an emergency situation
*This is not to say that we advocate for relocation; this is just to illustrate the stark difference between the compressor station location and existing sites.
There Goes The (Industrial) Neighborhood
If this compressor explodes, it could damage or destroy the bridge and half a dozen volatile regional facilities such as the Calpine power plant that also border the new bridge, not to mention the significant number of homes within a half mile radius of the compressor site in Weymouth, Quincy and Braintree. How will the Town of Weymouth fire and police department be prepared to respond?