Commissioner LaFleur Announces Departure from FERC

Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur announced on Twitter that she will be stepping down from her role at FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). This leaves the commission with only one democrat, Commissioner Flick. No reason was given for her departure but we sense that it is not good news.

Utility Dive has more on this story here.

Excerpt from Utility Dive: "LaFleur’s departure will mean FERC loses its longest-serving member and the only regulator with experience at an electric utility — New England’s National Grid.

In a series of tweets Thursday morning, the veteran Democrat indicated she would have preferred to be nominated to a third term at the commission. ...

LaFleur’s departure will leave FERC with only three sitting regulators — Democratic Commissioner Rich Glick and two Republicans, Chairman Neil Chatterjee and Commissioner Bernard McNamee.

No one political party can hold more than three seats on the five-member FERC, so the White House would have to nominate a Democrat and Republican to fill the two vacancies." (Utility Dive)