Air Quality Monitor Celebration
/At long last, the Fore River Basin is now home to a new air quality monitor. It took a lot of organizing to make this happen, but we're so happy to finally see it in place. We gathered on the first day of spring for a special celebration. Thank you to everyone who joined us on this beautiful spring day. And a special thank you to Sen. O’Connor, Rep. Meschino, Councilor Andronico, Councilor Flaherty, Councilor Happel, and Councilor Heffernan for joining us.
The new monitor us located on Monatiquot Street in North Weymouth. It will measure nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter, ozone, and volatile organic compounds. It will also record wind speed, temperature, and direction.
You can find air quality information from the US EPA at or on their free mobile app “AirNow” on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. This website and app connects to the state air monitor, not the purple air monitors.
You can find all of the data and maps from the state monitor on MassDEP’s website.
From left to right (front row): Councilor Andronico, Rep. Meschino, Sen. O’Connor, Councilor Happel, Councilor Heffernan, and Councilor Happel.
Though this step doesn't mark the end of our fight, it does mark a step forward in holding polluters accountable for the toxins they emit into our communities, and a step toward eventually shutting down polluters like Enbridge.
Thank you to all of you who spread the word, met with legislators, and commented on the DEP docket to pressure the agency to put Weymouth in the regional air testing plan for 2020.
Alice joined The Climate Minute podcast to give an explainer on the air quality monitor and why it's important.
News Coverage: Weymouth News - Fore River Basin gets air quality monitor (link)
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