Second emergency shutdown occurs at compressor station

We are a little angry right now, Campers. We were alerted to what sounded like a blowdown by one of our members at 10ish this morning, but there were no further reports. We are just finding out that Enbridge had yet another "unplanned release," i.e. an accident. No one was notified other than the Town and the DEP.
Congressman Lynch is already asking for an investigation.

Nothing to see here. Move along. You are too stupid to understand what we are doing, says Enbridge. Not operational, two accidents in two weeks--but FERC says go ahead and fully operate TOMORROW. And, where is PHMSA? Where is FERC? Where is our local emergency management system?

WBUR - Second 'Unplanned' Gas Release At Weymouth Compressor This Month (link)

*we’d note that this was a system failure more so than an “unplanned” gas release.

The community didn’t even know it had happened until we saw a tweet from Congressman Lynch. Many thanks to Congressman Lynch for not only pursuing the shut down of operations, but for alerting us today--via Twitter--that this accident had occurred . To say we are a bit miffed (irate?) at the lack of communication from the Town and Enbridge would be an understatement.

You can read Congressman Lynch’s statement below: