Enbridge offers $10 million to Mayor Hedlund of Weymouth

We recently learned that Enbridge came back to town with a blood money offer of $10 million. You may remember Enbridge coming to town four years ago with an offer of $47 million (half of which was predicated on a legislative tax change.). The community rallied and urged the Town not to accept the blood money offer. The Town of Weymouth quickly declined the deal and began filing appeals against Enbridge. We strongly believe that no amount of money is worth the health and safety of our community. We are urging Mayor Hedlund to refuse the deal. Join us in asking Mayor Hedlund to say “No” to Enbridge.

We don’t know what is in the contract and what actions the Town would have to agree to if Mayor Hedlund did sign. According to the town charter, the Mayor can make a decision without involvement of the town council. FRRACS corresponded with Mayor Hedlund earlier this week to ask him to shut down the construction at the compressor station and to refuse blood money from Enbridge. We have not heard back. You can read our letter here.

Please write to Mayor Hedlund and urge him to refuse the deal from Enbridge. For a sample email, click here.