Take Action: Write to Gov. Baker and Mayor Hedlund

Take Action: Write to Governor Baker and Mayor Hedlund

As you've likely seen online, Enbridge is still moving forward with construction of their toxic compressor station despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Hundreds of community members and public officials have made numerous complaints to FERC, OSHA, CDC, Gov. Baker, and the Town of Weymouth about Enbridge's safety violations. Some safety violations include:

  • Violations of the state’s COVID-19 protocols for social distancing and wearing of masks.

  • Potential violations of the state’s quarantine mandate for out-of-state travelers

  • Violation of sanitation protocols for hand washing.

  • Lack of communication with the Town on possible COVID-19 cases within their construction work force.

Enbridge's violations put workers and the community at greater risk of exposure to the virus. Construction of the compressor station is not essential, yet they are moving full speed ahead.


Governor Baker recently stated that Weymouth had the right, under the COVID-19 protocol, to shut down any site that was not in compliance. Whether it happens on the state level or the town level, we need our leaders to stand up for the health and safety of the community.

Please write to Gov. Baker and Mayor Hedlund and urge them to shut down construction. Sample letters available here (PDF | Word).

Email for Gov. Baker: constituent.services@state.ma.us

Email for Mayor Hedlund: RHedlund@weymouth.ma.us

In addition to concerns related to the ongoing pandemic, we recently learned that Enbridge came back to town with a blood money offer of $10 million. You may remember Enbridge coming to town four years ago with an offer of $47 million (half of which was predicated on a legislative tax change.). The community rallied and urged the Town not to accept the blood money offer. The Town of Weymouth quickly declined the deal and began filing appeals against Enbridge. We strongly believe that no amount of money is worth the health and safety of our community. 

Please write to Mayor Hedlund and urge him to refuse the deal from Enbridge. For a sample email, click here.

COVID-19 will come and go for another year or so, but the compressor will be with us for 50 years worth of noise, smells, toxins, and potentially life threatening accidents. We will continue to fight to protect the health and safety of our community. Thank you for fighting with us.

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