Update on the Town of Weymouth's Deal with Enbridge

Many of you may already be quite aware that the Town of Weymouth, under the direction of Mayor Hedlund, has accepted a payout of $10M in exchange for dropping all legal actions against Algonquin/Enbridge in regards to the compressor station.  To say that we are disappointed is likely the understatement of the year.  You can read about the Town's decision here.

There is currently a bit of confusion as to the validity of the contract, and we are looking into all of that. But in the meantime, we want to be sure that you understand the facts and that you know that FRRACS is continuing the fight even without the support of the Town.

· Mayor Hedlund entered into this contract unilaterally and without the approval of the Town Council.  Under our charter, the Mayor (Executive) can do this.  

· Mayor Hedlund gave the contractual information to the Town Council and the Conservation Commission at a closed-door meeting on Wednesday, October 28.  We know this because he gave us this information on Friday, October 30.

· We met with the Mayor at our request on Friday October 30. It was our intention to discuss the safety plan and the pending legal cases, but this was not what the Mayor wished to discuss.  We did consider that something else had happened at the closed door meeting on Wednesday that changed our relationship to the Town in this fight against the compressor, but we had no proof other than the vague published agenda from Wednesday's meeting.  No member of the Town Council or the Conservation Commission spoke to us about this meeting that was held in executive session. 

· While we were meeting with the Mayor, the Ledger broke the story about the contract. We subsequently released our statement.

· We later learned that the Towns of Braintree and Hingham and City of Quincy were joined with the Town of Weymouth on the BACT appeal.  The prefiled testimony of this appeal was due by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 30.  The Town of Weymouth never consulted nor informed the other municipalities that they were dropping all legal action, including the BACT appeal. This was done to the detriment of the other municipalities and would have forced them out of the appeal without their knowledge or permission. 

· By scrambling at the very last minute, Braintree and Hingham joined with Quincy on FRRACS' appeal.  They will be relying on our expert witnesses and our attorneys instead of Weymouth's witnesses and attorneys. 

The net-net? The Town of Weymouth will allow Algonquin/Enbridge to operate without any legal interference from the Town.  The contract is an amazing gift to Enbridge. The $10M is the consolation prize for our loss of health, safety, security, environment, and economy.  The Town will try to tell you that there is another $28M (over 35 years) that will come from a legislative deal to change the tax code.  We believe this will never happen.  So accept the $10M as full and final payment for this "Hostage Agreement."

While we thank the Town--including former Mayor Kay who started the process by hiring outside legal counsel and by directing all departments to oppose the compressor--for all that they did in the past, this does not make up for quitting and leaving the residents of the Basin in the lurch. No consideration was given to the residents of Quincy, Braintree, or Hingham in this settlement, even though these municipalities will suffer much the same as the residents of Weymouth and even though these towns will be on the hook as Weymouth's emergency backup should there be an accident. 

What can you do to help now?  First, if you can, donate to FRRACS.  We will be needing additional funding to carry the legal baggage for the Town.  No amount is too small, and we so appreciate your help. Second, go to nocompressor.com or to our Facebook page, often, for information on actions. Third, perhaps let the Mayor know of your displeasure with his actions.  You can email him at RHedlund@weymouth.ma.us. Fourth, join us on Friday, November 6th for a socially distanced, face-mask-mandatory protest at Town Hall, 75 Middle Street, from 3 PM to 6 PM. Bring your signs, and we will have signs available as well.  

Finally, stay safe and well.  We need you.

In Solidarity and Resistance,

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