Residents want more asbestos testing at proposed site

The North Parcel, also known as the proposed compressor site, is highly contaminated. It was a dumping ground for coal ash decades ago. We also known that asbestos is present at the site and believe that TRC did not adequately test for it while they were collecting soil samples. Asbestos is a toxic substance that would require very stringent cleanup procedures. We are asking for further testing of the presence of asbestos at the site.

You can read more about this effort from The Patriot Ledger - Neighbors want more testing at compressor site (link). Thanks to the Patriot Ledger for sharing our story.

Excerpt: “Residents fighting the construction of a natural-gas compressor station on the banks of the Fore River want excavation of contaminated fill at the site halted until regulators order more testing for asbestos, a microscopic mineral fiber known to cause cancer.

Weymouth resident, Margaret Bellafiore, says a firm hired to evaluate contamination on the site did not adequately test bricks that were dumped on the property years ago after being removed from an incinerator across the street. She recently called on state Department of Environmental Protection regulators to block the excavation of fill at the compressor station site until more testing is complete." (The Patriot Ledger)