Action Items following AQ Permit Approval

We are sure that you may already know that we suffered a major set-back yesterday (January 11, 2019) with the issuance of the final Air Quality Plan Approval--the last step before a full permit. You can go here to view this Approval.

This was issued against the objection of every legislator on the South Shore--from Quincy to Duxbury and parts of Plymouth County. It was issued against the objections of the mayors of Weymouth, Quincy, and Braintree. It was issued against the comments of over 1200 citizens of the South Shore and beyond. And this approval belongs to one person: Governor Charlie Baker. It is his DEP, his DPH, his EEA, and his MAPC that made this all possible. Letters, phone calls, and pleas went unheeded. Governor Baker told all of us exactly what he thinks of our health, our environment, our economy, and of our very lives. He does not care. He has his final four years in office and will be richly rewarded by his friends in the gas industry.

From a Globe article that will appear in today's paper: “Generations of residents living in the Fore River basin have been burdened by industrial pollutants. These industries once supplied much-needed jobs to the area, while simultaneously poisoning the earth, water, and air,” added Representative Ronald Mariano, Democrat of Quincy. “Now, Enbridge plans to expose current and future generations of Quincy and Weymouth residents to a new source of toxins, all in the name of padding the profits of a multinational energy corporation. With today’s decision, Enbridge is one step closer to succeeding.”

What can we do? We can fight. And fight we will. We are asking you to:

  • Call Governor Baker's office on Monday at 617-725-4005 and let him know what you think of his decision. Or, flood his email right now by going here and copy his Chief of Staff at

  • Write a letter to editor at the Patriot Ledger, the Globe, or the Herald.Contact your legislator and thank them for their support. Ask them to hold Governor Baker accountable for his actions against the citizens.

  • Donate to FRRACS--any amount is welcome--at We are appealing the issuance of this Approval.

  • Contact your mayor or your town councilor and thank them for their support. Let them know you want them to continue the fight.

  • Join us on Saturday January 12, for a Rally in the Park, 50 Bridge Street, Weymouth at 1:00. Come and see the beautiful Park that Enbridge, with the help of the DEP and Governor Baker, want to destroy. Tell Governor Baker by your presence that you will not accept his destruction of our shared community.Keep in mind that the Waterways and Wetlands appeals have not been settled, and Coastal Zone Management still hasn't given their blessing. We have a long way to go.

Your strength is our strength. We have never been able to thank you enough for sticking with us for these past four years, and we hope that you know we thank you each and every step of the way. Let's show the Governor and his agencies what we here in the Basin and on the South Shore are made of.