Air Quality Permit Approved with Conditions

MassDEP has issued their approval of Enbridge's air quality permit, with conditions. Most of the conditions are related to things that they have to do during construction and/or during operation, not things that they need to complete before a permit will be officially approved. For example:

  • .“The turbine and associated compressor shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.” p.23

  • The Permittee shall take the steps necessary to mitigate dust from the initial construction of the Project." p.24

  • “The Permittee shall take the steps necessary to mitigate noise resulting from the initial construction activities.” p.24

That being said, Enbridge still has to receive their wetlands and waterways permits, before they can proceed with construction. You can read the full response on MassDEP’s website:

The Patriot Ledger article is available here.

We knew that an approval was likely to happen, but we are still disappointed. We are disappointed that an agency that is tasked with the responsibility to "protect our air, land and water", does not seem to care at all about the environment. We are disappointed in Governor Baker for not fighting for the health and safety of his constituents. This will forever be Gov. Baker's legacy; a champion of polluters, not of the climate.

We want to take a moment to thank all of our local elected officials who voiced their concerns to Governor Baker, and who continue to fight against this dangerous proposal. We are fortunate to have their support.

Please know that the FIGHT IS FAR FROM OVER. We will be moving forward with an appeal against the air quality permit, and we are still in the appeals process for the wetlands and waterways permits.

We need your support now more than ever. Join us tomorrow at the park next to the proposed compressor site (50 Bridge St., Weymouth) at 1PM for a rally. We will fight back.