WBUR story on compressor station fight

WBUR stopped by one of our weekly standouts. Check out their story here!

Occupy Hingham and FRRACS have been holding signs every Wednesday afternoon for nearly 4 years to help spread the word about the compressor station. Many thanks to all who have joined the standout!

Excerpt: “It’s a balmy September evening, and about 40 protesters have gathered in Weymouth. They stand on both sides of Route 3A holding signs saying “no compressor” and “incineration zone” as drivers honk their support.

The protesters are part of the Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station (FRRACS), a group that has been fighting a proposed natural gas pipeline facility for four years, and the recent explosions in Lawrence, Andover and North Andover have only increased her sense of urgency.

“We already have issues here because of all the toxic industries in the basin, and you’re telling us you’re just going to throw another piece of polluting equipment here?” asks Alice Arena, president and founder of the FRRACS. She says the proposed station poses safety risks, like explosion and air pollution, and doesn’t belong in a densely populated area. “It’s not safe,” she says. “Look at what just happened in the Merrimack Valley.”' (WBUR)