We launched a new TV Ad!

Exciting news: we launched a new TV advertisement today! Many thanks to Councilor Haugh for joining us for a second time on the ad!

We've been working on this new ad for awhile and we're eager to share it with you. We hope that in conjunction with our new billboard on 3A, this TV ad will help spread the word about the compressor station.

The ad will run for 8 weeks in three different markets: Quincy, Weymouth, and Swampscott (we thought Charlie Baker might enjoy seeing the ad...). Our ad can be seen on Premium Digital TV (Xfinity On-Demand) and Premium Digital Video (video streaming, smart TVs, and all devices such as iPhones and Androids).  Unlike regular TV, the ad will not appear on just a few channels but will target specific areas and groups--so you just never know where you will see it!  But if you use on-demand to catch up on Rachel or Chronicle, you just might see us there. The same is true for those of you who stream videos on your devices.  

If you can't see it on TV, don't worry, you can watch it online here or below. Please share the video with your friends! We hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for all that you do!