FERC Certificate Extended

We have some Holiday Greetings from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to share with you. 

The Conditional Certificate of Convenience was granted to Enbridge in January of 2017.  It is due to expire less than one month from today.  So Enbridge got busy over the holidays and asked FERC for a 2-year extension. And FERC was all too eager to grant Enbridge their Christmas wish...actually taking about a half hour to rubber stamp the request. (See letters below).

What does that mean for us?  

First, a continued resolution to fight this project to its natural death. Our federal case against FERC was heard in DC on December 7th, the Health Impact Assessment is due out any day now, the Air Quality determination will be granted or not on January 11, our appeal on Waterways will continue in early February, and we have still not heard on the Wetlands appeal--a full four months after the final briefs were filed.  Enbridge's fantasy of having all permits by this summer is just that--a fantasy.  

Second, this allows us more time to end this.  But we will need all of you to be there with us--fighting as you have for the past four years. We recognize the energy and endurance we have asked of you, and you have delivered every time.  We cannot thank you enough.  

If you have a moment to comment to FERC, please go to ferc.gov, click on the Documents and Filings drop down menu, and click on ecomment.  The menu has changed so that you may comment without being registered.  Please refer to Docket CP16-9-000.

And don't forget to wish them a Happy New Year.

In Solidarity,