We need your help!

Hi Friend of FRRACS,

We know that your inbox is full of fundraising appeals and we hate to add to your list of requests but we need your help. We recently found out that the DEP’s presiding officer ruled in favor of MassDEP and Spectra (Enbridge) in the first part of our Waterways appeal. Though we are disappointed by the decision, we are prepared to move forward with the rest of the appeal and, if necessary, to bring the DEP into Superior Court. Our attorneys feel that we have a very good case should the DEP fail us on this appeal.

Can you donate $5, $10, $20 or $100 to help with legal costs?

Spectra (Enbridge) needs a handful of permits before they can build the compressor station. If we can prevent them from acquiring any one of their permits, we can stop the project. The most recent DEP decision does not grant Spectra (Enbridge) final approval of their Waterways permit.

In order to sustain our legal battle, we need to raise close to $40,000. We know it’s a lot but it is necessary in order to stop Spectra (Enbridge) from gaining approval to build the compressor station. In recent decisions nationwide, it has been the courts that have stopped projects based greatly on the fact that the fossil fuel industry is not taking climate change into consideration.

When Spectra (Enbridge) presented the compressor station proposal to the Town of Weymouth four years ago they made it seem like an insignificant project--one that would be the size of a garden shed. They thought they would be able to sneak this project in without any resistance. Much to their surprise, community members started researching the compressor station proposal and began organizing opposition to the project.

And, because of you, we’ve been able to delay them significantly. Spectra’s expected completion date was November 2017. That’s right, 2017. Together, we have created significant delays in the project timeline. But the fight is not over yet. We need your support now more than ever.

Can you make a donation today to help cover our mounting legal costs? Any amount that you can give is greatly appreciated.

You can donate to our legal fund on our website, at one of our meetings, or by mailing a check to FRRACS, PO BOX 485, South Weymouth, MA 02190.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support these past four years. We could not have made it this far without you. Here’s to the next phase in our fight.

With immense gratitude,


P.S. Please note that donations made to FRRACS are not tax-deductible.