Letter to ED of Energy and Office Transformation

In March of 2024, Governor Healey announced the establishment of the “Nation’s first Office of Energy Transformation” (OET). She appointed the former Head of Corporate Affairs at National Grid, Melissa Lavinson, as Executive Director.

Recently, FRRACS learned that this new office, which is “charged with the hands-on execution of the clean energy transition”, elected the former VP of TRC, Matthew Beaton, to the advisory board. TRC, as you may know, worked as a consultant for Enbridge. Prior to joining TRC, Matthew Beaton served as the Secretary of the Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA). FRRACS met with then-Secretary Beaton in 2019, to discuss our concerns about the compressor station (at that time, we did not know about his planned departure from the EEA to TRC). Sec. Beaton took all of the information we collected and provided to him and said he would look into our concerns. Instead, he moved through the revolving door from state agency to industry.

FRRACS wrote to Ms. Lavinson to protest Mr. Beaton’s position on the OET advisory board. You can read our letter below.