FRRACS Standout at January "Ask the Governor" Radio Segment

For years now, FRRACS members have called into Boston Public Radio’s segment, “Ask the Governor”, with hopes to speak with Governors Baker and Healey. A handful of times, they accepted our call and took our question over the air. Oftentimes, they would just screen our call. More recently, we have been holding a standout at Boston Public Library during the live program with Governor Healey. This week, the Marvelous Margaret, and our dear friends Charlie, Jerry and Gavin, got her attention.

FRRACS members held banners behind the Governor that read, “Right the Wrong! Weymouth Compressor Station” and “Put Gas in the Past”.

After the program ended, our team waited outside of library for Governor Healey. As she exited, it was difficult for her to ignore us. She stopped briefly to speak with Margaret, and greeted our youngest member, Gavin.

We will continue to keep the pressure on the Governor to do the right thing: put a stop to the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure.