Hate speech appears at compressor station location
/We are sad to report that community members discovered hate speech spray painted on the access road under the Fore River Bridge, located next to the compressor station. We alerted the Town of Weymouth, who sent the DPW to remove the spray paint. While we are a believer in free speech, hate speech is not protected speech.
We have a few thoughts on the matter:
First, great security Enbridge! This was right outside of the gate at the MWRA access road. Enbridge has cameras trained on pretty much every inch of the North Parcel, including Kings Cove Park and the access road. We wonder if Enbridge is going to be a "good neighbor" and share their video feed with the WPD? Or are they just concerned about calling the WPD when FRRACS and allies take a nature walk?
Second, really?!?!? FRRACS is well aware that there are hateful people in the world. And hateful people in The Basin. It's disappointing and getting scary for many of us. The tagger decided to decorate--yet again--the North Parcel with hate speech just before the fireworks planned for tonight (when many families head to Kings Cove for the view) to insure that their ignorance and hatred could be seen by many. Nice try, no dice.
Third, this isn't the work of "kids." And if it is, the "kids" are getting it from somewhere. There is an indoctrination going on of youth and others by groups seeking to divide us all in order to do their evil in plain sight. We must not let that happen, Dear Campers. We must all stand together to fight what we know is wrong and hateful. In the famous words of Rev. Martin Niemöller :
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
Enjoy the fireworks, Campers. And let's work together in the spirit of love to clean up not only our physical environment, but our spiritual one as well.
Trigger Warning: Hate speech images pictured below.