Enbridge plans "enhancements" for the compressor station

Some residents received a notice in the mail from Enbridge, informing them of “enhancements” being made to the compressor. Enbridge spokesperson Maxime Bergeron told us that "enhancements" are not part of the Atlantic Bridge project so there is no requirement to put them on the FERC docket (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) monthly compliance reporting. Only construction and in service operations are reported to FERC not "enhancements". However, apparently "restoration" is required to be posted on the monthly compliance reports on the FERC docket like the most recent "permanent stabilization." Hard to figure what is an enhancement and what is construction.

Seems like FERC should know everything that is going on at the compressor station. Bergeron is willing to answer any questions at 617 560 1484.

The good news is the Weymouth Compressor Station will be "off line" from mid April to late June so they can finish the "enhancements".

The letter from Enbridge is available below: