Alert: First blowdown scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 22

As we are trying very hard to stay on top of all of the fracked gas venting going on at the failed compressor station,  we want you to know--and we apologize for the late notice--that the major blowdown of 265,000 standard cubic feet of this nasty methane and all of the toxins it carries with it will be tomorrow "around" 2:00 PM.  Enbridge will not give us the courtesy of a two hour window or anything exact, but this was what was told to a FRRACS' member today.  Go here for the letter to the Town sent last Friday with the specifics.  

While we are trying to keep you as informed as we possibly can, you might want to go onto the Town's website every few days to see if there are updates from Enbridge.  We will be working in the coming weeks to see if we can get a better system of alerts since we know many of you are not on Facebook (where the Town posts these things).  We will also be encouraging the Town to send you a Code Red (sign up, please!) when there are scheduled blowdowns.  But, be aware that many of the blowdowns will be "unscheduled."  Our brothers and sisters who have suffered so greatly at the hands of the fracked gas industry in Pennsylvania tell us that the blowdowns can occur upwards of 400 times per year.  That's correct--every single day in some volume or another. 

We do advise you to stay away from the area during the sketchy time frame we are able to provide.  Please stay off of the Fore River Bridge, in particular, as the predicted winds will bring it over the bridge and into the Idlewell neighborhood. 

Stay safe!