First Circuit Court Vacates Air Quality Permit

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If you have not heard already, we have some very good news for you! The First Circuit Court has vacated the air quality permit that had been granted to Enbridge in January of 2019. You can read the decision here.

So what does this mean? We do not have all of the answers just yet, but on a quick read it means that the DEP made the wrong decision, and Enbridge will have to go back and re-evaluate the installation and use of an electric turbine as opposed to a gas turbine. It means that although Enbridge may continue constructing, they cannot operate this facilitiy without the air quality permit. And, it gives us more room to fight to stop it from ever operating.

We will have more information and actions for you in the coming days, but we wanted to be sure you got the good news! Your dedication in this fight has been amazing, and all of your hard work and support has brought us to this point. Never give up.


WBUR - Court Vacates Weymouth Compressor Air Permit (link)

The Patriot Ledger - Court throws out air permit for Weymouth compressor station (link)