Action Item: Sign petition to urge Gov. Baker to shut down construction

Urge Governor Baker to Halt the Weymouth Compressor Station Construction Due to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Sign the petition and share!

In the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic, Enbridge Inc. wants to rush construction of a massive fracked gas compressor station in environmental justice neighborhoods in the Fore River Basin of eastern Massachusetts.

Fracked gas compressor stations are dirty and contribute to additional air pollution in a community already overburdened with industrial air pollution. It isn't just reckless to push construction of a massive fracked gas compressor station in the middle of a crisis like this -- it also puts vulnerable workers and environmental justice communities at serious risk from COVID-19

Governor Baker has rightfully taken steps needed to protect communities across Massachusetts during this pandemic. But permitting Enbridge to sidestep the precautions we’re all following, including moving hundreds of out of state workers into environmental justice communities in the Fore River Basin, needlessly endangers local community residents.

If enough of us raise our voices to call on Governor Baker to protect Massachusetts’s communities, he'll be able to lead where the Trump administration hasn't and show that allowing construction like this to continue is dangerous for everyone's health. Despite the governor’s “stay at home” advisory, Enbridge is continuing construction in Massachusetts, so the outcry has to happen now.