Action item: In search of a volunteer who could conduct a risk assessment

 A message from Mike Lang, FRRACS Board member and Environmental Coordinator of the East Braintree Civic Association:

Over the past 40+ years that I have been involved in Fore River Basin environmental issues. I have been amazed at the educated and well informed neighbors that live among us. Unfortunately, many of them do not come out of the background until their services can no longer be used. With the present Enbridge/ Spectra gas compressor issue, their services are needed immediately.

Wednesday night, Margaret Bellafiore, Dave Oliva ( President of the EBCA) and I made a presentation to the Braintree Town Council. Where Weymouth, Quincy, and FRRACS have been financially supporting the effort to stop the gas compressor, Braintree has contributed no financial resources. Presently, our fight is in need of an independent risk assessment of the Fore River Bridge and entire Basin area. The MassDOT Secretary Pollack has been asked seven times to meet with us and has refused. State Senators, Representatives, and the three Mayors have requested the meeting and have been refused. It has become apparent that if we are to get a full risk assessment we are going to have to make it happen ourselves. We have asked the Braintree Mayor and Council to financially support this need. They have conditionally supported us on this matter. The condition is that we get an acceptable cost figures and a party to perform the task.

This is a new area for us. However, I am sure that one of your friends or neighbors has this experience and could direct us in this matter. We are looking for a risk assessment based on existing documentation and a site visit. We already have all of the documentation. I am asking all of our supporters to shake the bushes and find a knowledgeable person that could help us. We need the neighborhood groups to send this request to their membership. We need local business people to consider if they have associates that might fill this need.

Please contact me at Time is of the essence.