Action Item: Send Another Letter to FERC and OSHA

Action Item: Send another letter to FERC and OSHA to demand a shut down of construction

OSHA has issued a letter to Enbridge after our many complaints to FERC and to OSHA regarding the continued construction during this time of pandemic.  Thanks to all of you for your persistence!  To read Enbridge's response and OSHA's compliance demands, go here.  And if you want to see a collection of letters sent to FERC, click here.

Now we are asking you to write another letter to FERC and OSHA

FERC and OSHA_comments_2_fb (4).png

Using these talking points  (Word | PDF) or your own, submit your comment to FERC using their “Ecomment” portal online. For a step-by-step guide on how to submit comments to FERC, click here. We strongly encourage writing your comment in a Word document first, then copying and pasting your comment into the FERC ecomment box online because the FERC website often crashes.

After you’ve submitted your comment online to FERC, we are asking you to to email a copy to the following email addresses: **make sure your comment is emailed to this contact**

Then send your comment to the following people through their online submission forms:

Senator Markey: submit your comment through his online email form here

Senator Warren: submit your comment through her online email form here

Congressman Stephen Lynch: submit your comment through his online email form here

Congressman Joe Kennedy III: submit your comment through his online email form here

Thank you!