Senators Markey, Warren and Congressman Lynch send another letter to FERC

Thank you Senator Markey, Senator Warren, and Congressman Lynch for writing to FERC and voicing your concerns. We need FERC to take our concerns seriously.

February 21, 2020
The Honorable Neil Chatterjee, Chairman
Federal Energy Regulatory Committee
88 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20426
Re: Docket No. CP16-9-000

Dear Chairman Chatterjee,

We are strongly opposed to the ongoing construction of the natural gas compressor station in
Weymouth, Massachusetts, but have additional concerns that the construction is not proceeding
in accordance with the implementation plans submitted to the docket. As a result, we write to
request that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) send inspectors to ensure that
Enbridge and any relevant contractors are following all stated plans and protocols. These plans,
as referenced in the Notice to Proceed with Construction issued on November 27, 2019, should
be followed closely and without any alterations that could jeopardize community safety or
quality of life. Until those inspections are complete, we request that construction activity be stayed.

Community members have raised concerns over potential changes to the traffic pattern for
construction vehicles, the soil removal process, and the construction height of pylons needed to
raise the construction site to a safe level. An on-site FERC inspection would help either confirm
or allay concerns that misconduct is taking place. In the event that plans are not being followed,
a stay on construction would ensure that no additional damage is done until FERC reviews
operations and issues any necessary orders for cooperation.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.