Action Item: Contact JF Price

Action Item: Contact JF Price!

Call and email JF Price -- (781) 335-1021 : -- and urge them to put an end to their work with Enbridge.

JF Price is a local company that is working directly with Enbridge by supplying them with sand and gravel for the beginning stages of construction. We delivered a letter to JF Price last week, outlining the harms that the compressor station would pose, and urged them to cancel any remaining contracts with Enbridge. We asked them to respond to us by February 11, 2020. They have not responded.

We returned to their office today and held "Boycott JF Price" signs outside in an effort to continue to put pressure on them.

Suggested script:

Hello, I'm a resident of ________ and I'm calling to express my disappointment in JF Price's work with Enbridge. Despite the overwhelming local opposition to this project, you proceeded to work with Enbridge and are enabling their destructive project to continue, which will have detrimental impacts on the community. By working with Enbridge, you are turning your back on the entire South Shore community. Please cancel any further contracts with Enbridge that you have remaining.

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