Scientific American - Large Methane Leaks Reveal Long-Standing Shortfalls in Oversight

This is what happens when there is no oversight or controls on an industry run by the unethical who feed on nothing but greed.

Scientific American - This is what happens when there is no oversight or controls on an industry run by the unethical who feed on nothing but greed (link)

Excerpt: “Nonprofit groups and private satellite companies may soon make high-quality data about methane publicly available and ubiquitous, potentially creating more pressure to address the situation. Action to plug leaks and prevent further air pollution may be stymied in the meantime, though: the Trump administration took numerous steps that could weaken environmental protections, including rules outlining how companies monitor for and locate natural gas leaks in their equipment (methane is the main component of natural gas). Whether those rules will be reversed when the Biden administration enters the White House, and how long that process will take if it happens, remains to be seen.

Scientists say people of color and low-income communities, who already suffer disproportionately from the consequences of air pollution, will continue to bear much of the health brunt of such regulatory rollbacks. And more methane in the atmosphere is also likely to speed up the already accelerating process of global warming.” (Scientific American)