WBZ News Radio - "Elf Effigies" Set Up By Weymouth Compressor Station Opponents

Go for a stroll in King Coves Park to see all the elves we have on display! Help us get to 310 elves by the end of the month. Thanks to WBZ News Radio for covering this story. You can read more below.

WBZ News Radio - "Elf Effigies" Set Up By Weymouth Compressor Station Opponents (link)

“Residents who oppose the Weymouth Compressor Station are pressing on with their protest, despite news that the facility has been given clearance to go back online next week.

In a holiday-themed twist, a community group who are against the proposed station are using elves to represent children, who they say will be impacted when the station is fully operational.

In a press release this week, the anti-compressor group "Fore River Residents Against Compressor Station" (FRRACS) invited locals to mark the start-up of the new station by creating or decorating an "elf effigy" to be placed at Kings Cove Park.

"The art installation seeks to collect 310 elves of all kinds within the park," the group said. "Each elf will represent ten children who live in the immediate area of the toxic compressor station... We are asking the Elves to stand ground where it is dangerous for people to do so."‘ (WBZ Radio News)