Desmog - Massachusetts Locals Accuse Town Mayor Of ‘Colluding’ With Enbridge Over Controversial Natural Gas Project

Desmog - Massachusetts Locals Accuse Town Mayor Of ‘Colluding’ With Enbridge Over Controversial Natural Gas Project (link)

Collusion. A word that has seen a lot use in the past few years, eh, Campers? Why do we use it? There is a timeline that includes the Town's refusal to investigate dragging contaminated soils out of the parcel and onto the roadways, their refusal to demand that Enbridge adhere to Covid protocols, dragging their feet on the placement of the air quality monitor so that no baseline numbers will be available before the compressor goes online, and a little nuisance lawsuit brought by Enbridge against FRRACS and the Town that kept getting kicked down the road until Enbridge suddenly withdrew its own suit in mid October. When you make our eyebrow go up, you have acted improperly. We knew back in January that Enbridge was slithering around Town Hall with a $10M offer, and we told you all about that. The Mayor claimed it was all speculation. Even at our August public FRRACS meeting, the Mayor claimed it was all "rumor."

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Right, Mayor Hedlund?