Take Action: Send an email to the Weymouth Town Council

Calling all Fore River Campers! We would like to ask you a favor. On Monday night, the Town Council will vote on sending a letter to the Attorney General to ask her to look into the contract that Mayor Hedlund signed with Enbridge. Can you send your Town Councilor a note to ask them to vote to send this letter? Here are a list of the Councilors and their email addresses:

President Arthur Mathews D4 arthuremathews@hotmail.com

Vice President Mike Molisse AL michaelmolisse@weymouth.ma.us

D1-Pascale Burga pburga@weymouth.ma.us

D2-Maureen Kiely mkiely@weymouth.ma.us

D3-Ken DiFazio ken@difaziolawoffice.com

D5-Ed Harrington harra6@comcast.net

D6-Brian Dwyer goldenbearta@gmail.com

Jane Hackett (AL) janehackett@weymouth.ma.us

Fred Happel (AL) fhappel@weymouth.ma.us

Becky Haugh (AL) rebeccahaugh@weymouth.ma.us

Chris Heffernan (AL) cheffernan@weymouth.ma.us

Thank you for all that you do!!