Enbridge given the green light to turn on the compressor

Late in the day on Wednesday, as folks we’re heading into a holiday weekend, we received news that Enbridge was given the green light to turn on their compressor station. We are a bit tired of the loathsome games that Enbridge and their federal agency enablers like to play. You know--let's save some crappy news for a holiday or holiday eve so that we can show those little know-nothings in Weymouth who's boss!

WBUR - Feds Give Weymouth Compressor Station Approval To Start Up (link)

Truly, they haven't met us, have they, Campers? The battle rages on, and we will not give up the fight. We do not believe that DNV GL, the contractor that did the "investigation," would have done an appropriate job because they have HUGE conflicts of interest. We will be following up on this with our state and federal delegation.

In the meantime, we will be asking for the full report, pushing for the air quality monitor that has been promised to us for over a year, and heading into an appeal on the BACT analysis this coming Tuesday. If you would like to "attend" the appeal, stay tuned for the YouTube link.

Do not be discouraged. The best results come from the longest battles. Thank you for standing strong.