Action Item: Demand a review of Enbridge's RAM plan

Action Item: Call MassDEP's office of Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) and demand a review of Enbridge's RAM plan.

Contact Gerard Martin, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Deputy Regional Director
508-946-2799 | Email:

Enbridge is exposing the community to additional toxins by digging up soil that is saturated with arsenic, oil, coal ash, and asbestos. They are not following any of the steps necessary to limit the exposure of toxins into the air, such as washing off tires before trucks leave the site. We also know that the site has asbestos in bricks that were dumped on the site decades ago. MassDEP MUST do more asbestos testing, specifically on bricks that are deeper down in the soil.

Call and email today!

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