State announces plan to place an air quality monitor in the Basin

After years of organizing, the state has responded to community demands to place an air quality monitor in the Basin. This monitor will be used to detect changes in air quality during construction. The exact placement has not been decided, but we will make sure our input is heard. This is not the end of the fight, but still an important win.

You can read more from WBUR - State To Install Permanent Air Monitoring Station In Weymouth (link)

Excerpt from WBUR: “State regulators will install a permanent air monitoring station in Weymouth to detect changes in air quality related to a natural gas compressor station under construction nearby.

The monitoring station will collect data on nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter, ozone, and volatile organic compounds "consistent with EPA monitoring regulations and guidance," the State Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) said in a statement. The station will also record wind speed, temperature and direction.

Protesters have picketed the construction site a number of times since ground was broken in December, saying that gas released from the station will pollute the surrounding area.

State Senator Patrick O'Connor, who represents Weymouth, said it has taken four years to get the monitoring station approved.

"This is small victory in what's been a tremendous war between communities and natural gas energy companies," he said.” (WBUR)