Dr. Nathan Phillips launches hunger strike

Dr. Nathan Phillips, a BU professor and ally of FRRACS, launched a hunger strike today to call attention to the public health crisis unfolding at the compressor station construction site. You can read his full statement here. He states that he will cease his hunger strike when the following demands are met:

1.All dump trucks leaving the site abide by the decontamination procedures described on page 27 of the Release Abatement Measures Plan of November 25, 2019, which require a decontamination pad/station, and other measures to clean tires and exterior vehicle surfaces of site residue. https://eeaonline.eea.state.ma.us/EEA/fileviewer/Default.aspx?formdataid=0&documentid=525509

2. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection commences comprehensive testing for asbestos in furnace bricks and in the coal ash matrix, across and throughout the vertical profile of the North Parcel.

3. The Baker Administration commits to a date certain, no later than two weeks from today, for the installation and operation of an air quality monitor, as Governor Baker pledged action on “within a couple of days” on Radio Boston on Thursday, January 23, 2020.

Please keep Nathan in your thoughts. You can follow Nathan on twitter here: @nathanpboston