Residents continue to push asbestos testing

We know that the proposed compressor site is a toxic site laden with coal ash, arsenic, oil, and asbestos. Enbridge’s consultant, TRC, did asbestos testing at the site but did not obtain bricks at the appropriate depth to accurately test for asbestos. We have been asking the DEP to do more testing and they have ignored us. We will continue demand more testing. You can read more here: The Patriot Ledger - Residents still pushing for asbestos testing at compressor site (link)

Excerpt: “Bellafiore said members of a citizens group, Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station, researched the several manufacturers stamped on the furnace bricks. Several of the companies, including A.P. Green Industries, were later sued for asbestos contamination.

Michael Lang, environmental coordinator of the East Braintree Civic Association, said the firebrick industry stopped adding asbestos to their firebrick around 1972, meaning bricks closer to the surface likely would not have asbestos in them. He said some of the fire bricks on the surface in Kings Cove had the word “oil” stamped in them, which links them back to when Edgar switched from coal to oil after 1972.

Bellafiore said TRC did not indicate how deep down they got the brick samples from.

“We’re not going to give up on that angle because we know it’s there. There is proof the companies used (asbestos),” Bellafiore said. “It’s not going to stop the compressor from being built, but we know that the way the waste (with asbestos) will be treated will be different than if it’s just industrial waste. ... We want it done.”’ (The Patriot Ledger, 2020)