Painting in the Park

We had such a beautiful day in the park--doing art! We had artists lining the entire stretch of the park. It was really wonderful to observe all of the talented individuals creating art. We had watercolor painters, a sketch artist, oil painters, and so much more. Yvonne Lamothe created a beautiful mural depicting the beauty of our environment and how it will be impacted by further pollution. Adults and children added their own pieces of art to the mural. It was a great day of community collaboration.

Many, many thanks to Yvonne Lamothe for this wonderful idea and for all of her hard work and dedication to this project and to FRRACS; to Margaret, Laura, Jerry, and John for all of their work organizing, setting up, cookie baking, sign holding, and being there all afternoon to be sure that all had a great experience. Many hands make light work!

Notice the first pictures. Beach roses, sea grass, wild sweet pea, and views that are spectacular. Sadly, all of this fun and beauty will be lost to an industrial, polluting, explosive compressor station if Spectra has their way. Fight on, Fore River Campers! (And maybe give Gov. Baker a call. 617-725-4005)

Our event made the Weymouth News, too. Check out the article here: Activists use art to draw attention to Weymouth compressor controversy