Weymouth News - Compressor foes question Beaton’s departure

FRRACS sent a letter to the state ethics commission in regards to Matthew Beaton’s departure from the EEA to the consulting firm TRC. We find Beaton’s transition from the EEA to TRC to be very suspicious.

As Alice states, "Secretary Beaton's recent employment with a company that has a vested financial interest in the permitting of the Weymouth compressor does not pass the smell test.  Section 3 (d) of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest law for state employees states that 'He also may not participate in any particular matter in which a prospective employer, or a business organization of which he is a director, officer, trustee, or employee has a financial interest.' It is not possible for us to believe that Secretary Beaton was unaware of this glaring conflict."  

Ed Baker covered this story for The Weymouth News. We appreciate their continued coverage of this fight.