GB PSR Call for Baker Governor Baker to Extend Air Quality Appeal

Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility (GBPSR) released a press release today calling on Governor Baker to extend the air quality appeal for the Weymouth compressor station. Community members are angry and rightly so. Last week, the DEP released a 759-page document at the 11th hour with new air quality data. This report came at the end of an appeal hearing on the air quality permit.

GBPSR found that “there are more than 9,000 insertions and deletions in this amended report, compared with the report previously issued on July 24, 2018. Among the new findings in this amended report are the presence of previously unreported additional carcinogenic and hazardous compounds in air from the Fore River Basin. These hazardous compounds are present at levels that exceed the DEP allowable ambient limit by wide margins.” This is completely unacceptable. Not only did the DEP release this information very late in the game, but our team was given only 4 days to review this massive document. Initial findings already show alarming amounts of pollutants, some of which are present at levels above MassDEP guidelines. It’s time to take the health of our community seriously and revoke the permit.

We can’t thank GB PSR enough for their advocacy on this issue. They continue to use their voice, expertise, and platform to fight for the health of our community. We are grateful to have their support. You can read their full press release here.

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