Atlantic Bridge and the fight to stop Alton Gas

We’ve always known that Atlantic Bridge is a project being built for natural gas export. Enbridge and co. like to segment their projects but we know that they are all connected. We also know that the gas is not needed and that the construction of related facilities will have a direct impact on the communities it passes through. The fracked-gas that Enbridge wants to push through the proposed Weymouth compressor station is headed towards proposed terminals in Nova Scotia. Right now a company called Alton Gas is trying to construct massive subterranean caverns on Mi'kmaq territory near the LNG terminals to store Appalachian fracked-gas.

These caverns would dump an obscene amount of poisonous brine directly into the adjacent Shubenacadie river. Since September 2016 Mi'kmaq elders have re-occupied the brine dumping site and have been building infrastructure that is specifically protected by their treaty.

Alton Gas has filed an injunction to forcibly remove the Indigenous encampment and to proceed with destruction. This is where Atlantic Bridge gas would end up.

Watch this video to hear to Mi’kmaq elders talk about their fight against Alton Gas.

To learn more about the #StopAltonGas fight, visit their website:

You can also find more info here