Enbridge fails to adequately respond to malfunction, but NGrid doesn't

Enbridge has proven to us yet again that they are not a safe, reliable company. Incident after incident, Enbridge deflects blame and fails to adequately respond to danger. Luckily, Nation Grid in Rhode Island has been on the ball. You can read more about Nation Grid’s reponse here.

We applaud the workers at National Grid for being on top of the situation from the beginning. Welcome back to work, union brothers and sisters. We're glad you are here.

NewportRI.com - OUR VIEW: Response to gas crisis commendable

Excerpt: "It was originally reported Monday night that about 600 customers had lost gas service because of low pressure from a take station located on Old Mill Lane in Portsmouth. As a precaution, National Grid cut the service to about 7,100 customers, most of them in Newport.

Faced with a serious challenge, the company’s response certainly has been more than adequate.

After Gov. Gina Raimondo declared a state of emergency Monday night for Newport County, National Grid Rhode Island President Tim Horan and other company officials have stood in front of swarms of media members to answer questions pertaining to the issue.

The company put 1,000 workers on the case, including 500 on the ground to canvass the area to help in the painstaking process of restoring service. That includes going into each of the affected homes, turning off the gas meter, then returning to turn service back on.

A customer service center quickly was set up inside Gurney’s Newport Resort for residents who had questions, space heaters were given out for free and those affected — estimated to be 10,000 — could stay in area hotels on National Grid’s bill.

Additionally, the company has held daily updates throughout the week to explain where the process stands and provide estimates on how long the situation could continue.

It’s more than can be said about Enbridge, the owner of the Algonquin pipeline that supplies gas and where the equipment malfunction that caused the low gas pressure took place. For playing such a significant role in the problem, the company’s silence beyond a couple of statements is inexcusable." (NewportRI.com)