Community members arrested after blocking construction

On Thursday morning, dozens of community members and allies gathered at the proposed compressor station site to put a stop to Enbridge’s construction activities. Enbridge began to implement their RAM (release abatement measure) plan on Tuesday, which is supposed to be a plan to clean up toxic soil, but it’s really their construction plan. So, we decided to interrupt their plans for construction.

We gathered early in the morning, bundled up in the cold, surrounded by our community members and a few inches of snow. About 40 people walked over the entrance of the construction site. A large truck was entering at the same time. The police were on site and responded immediately. They tried to keep us away, but we quickly took up space near the entrance.


We stood as a group for awhile, singing and chanting. “Gov. Baker, do your job!” “Go home, Enbridge!” “No More Toxins”. The large truck behind us turned its engine off twice while we were blocking the gate. We have raised concerns about idling — creating even more pollution in the community.

After about two hours, the police gave their final warnings and begin arresting community members who chose to stay back. They arrested four local residents: Lisa Jennings, Jerry Grenier, Joe Herosy, and Laura Burns. These four individuals put their bodies on the line to protect their community from the compressor station. We thank them for their bravery and courage.

After the arrests, the police set up barricades and told the protesters to stand behind them. They told us were are not allowed on the road.

The four protesters were brought to the Weymouth Police Station for booking and transferred to Quincy District Court, where they were placed in leg shackles. They were charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing, but the charges were dropped to a civil infraction + no arrests for 30 days.


Today, these four people stopped construction for more than 2 hours. That’s big. And we’ve only just begin. We fight because we have no other choice. This community cannot afford to have another toxin-spewing facility dumped on them. It’s an overburdened community, as it is surrounded by 10 other industrial facilities. The compressor station just a bad idea for Weymouth, it’s a bad idea for the planet. We cannot continue to burn fossil fuels. We need to transition to clean, renewable energy, now.

Media Coverage:

We had a really great response from the media. Thank you to everyone who covered this important story!

MSN - 4 arrested as protesters block entrance as work begins at Weymouth compressor station (link)

NBC 10 Boston - A protest led to arrests for several people fighting to stop the construction of a natural gas compressor station (link)
WBUR - 4 Arrested As Activists 'Escalate' Fight Against Weymouth Compressor Station (link)

Patriot Ledger - Four arrested as protesters block construction crews at Weymouth compressor site (link)

CBS - 4 Local Protesters In Weymouth Rally Against Natural Gas Compressor Station (link)

WBZ News Radio - 4 Activists Arrested As Construction Begins At Weymouth Compressor Station (link)

WCVB - 4 arrested as protesters block entrance as work begins at Weymouth compressor station (link)


NECN - 4 Arrested After Weymouth Protest (link)

Wicked Local - Four arrested as protesters block construction crews at Weymouth compressor site (link)