Compressor opponent would risk arrest again

Lisa Jennings, a Weymouth resident, peacefully stood in front of the gates that lead to the proposed compressor station site, in early December. She was arrested along with three individuals for stopping construction.

“At base I’m just a mom trying to make a decision for our health,” Jennings said. “How do I stop it?”

There is nothing a mother would not do for her child. Lisa is one of those who will stop at nothing for everyone's child. And, she would risk arrest again. Thank you, Lisa. You are a warrior!

The Weymouth News sat down with Lisa to talk about her experience and why she would be willing to risk arrest again. You can read the full piece here: Weymouth compressor protester would risk arrest again

Excerpt: ““What do I do next?” Lisa Jennings asks she sits on the edge of a sun-spattered leather couch just inside her front door. The kids have been nagging her to hang up the Christmas lights. She’ll do that later. She gets up and lets the dog outside.

She sits back down. “What do you do next?” she says. Her life is a juggling act of caring for her adult daughter, advocating for people with disabilities and, these days, fighting construction of a new natural gas compressor station not far from her house. It’s all advocacy. It is — and isn’t — a full-time job.

“I don’t know. That’s why I got arrested,” she says. “I don’t know what to do next.”’ (The Weymouth News)