Residents voice concerns about toxins being released during construction

Enbridge is digging up toxic soil at the proposed compressor, further exacerbating the presence of toxins in the air. The most recent filing on the FERC docket claims there was no problem. But we witnessed the muddy tires leaving a trail of sludge along the access roads on the rainy days. Enbridge brought in a street sweeper to hide the evidence.

Read more from the Weymouth News - "Dirty concerns raised about Weymouth compressor station construction (link)

Excerpt: “Trucks are daily tracking mud from a compressor station construction site in the Fore River Basin, and the dirt could have contaminants such as arsenic, according to Alice Arena, leader of the Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station.

Arena said a Remediation Abatement Measure by Enbridge Inc., requires construction trucks to be cleansed before they leave the work area.

“Local contractors from J.F. Price and trucking companies are delivering gravel to the site,” she said during a Dec. 16 Weymouth Town Council town meeting. “These trucks are leaving the site with mud on their tires, and they are tracking the mud onto the public access roads and Bridge Street.”

Arena said there are no required cleansing pads at the compressor site under the Remediation Abatement Measure or RAM for truck operators to cleanse their tires of the soil before exiting the premises.” (Weymouth News)