Take Action: Contact MassDOT and Baker and Ask for a Risk Assessment

ACTION ITEM: Take action by tweeting or posting on the Facebook pages of Governor Baker, MassDOT, and the MBTA. Request a risk assessment for the Fore River Bridge, State Route 3A, and the MBTA bus routes 220,221, and 222. #MBTA #mapoli #NoWeymouthCompressor

Today Mike, Robert, and Alice were at the Joint MassDOT and MBTA Board Meeting advocating for a risk assessment for the Fore River Bridge and the MBTA Bus routes.

The compressor station project has been given a green light by the Baker Administration as the MassDEP and CZM have issued the permits for the Weymouth compressor station.
The ball is now in MassDOT's and the MBTA's court.

We need a risk assessment for the State owned Route 3A Fore River Bridge and for the MBTA bus routes and stops along 3A.

There are 3 bus lines and bus stops at the base of the bridge-- routes 220, 221, and 222. When an accident with an explosion happens at the compressor station or along the pipeline leading to the compressor station that lies underneath the bridge, there will be structural damage, computer damage, and lift control damage done to the bridge. The Captain of the Port will be forced to order the bridge to be left in an open position to allow tankers to enter the Designated Port Area. All traffic, emergency vehicles, and bus routes would be forced to go through the Landing/Rt. 53.

Thank you for taking action! You can watch the full meeting below. Mike, Robert, and Alice at the very beginning of the video! This is a very long meeting, but feel free to watch the whole thing!