Weymouth School Committee opposes compressor station

Thanks to the Weymouth School Committee for putting the health of our children first. See their statement below:

“Last night, the Weymouth School Committee voted to adopt a "Resolution to Oppose the Proposed Algonquin Gas Compressor Station in Weymouth's Fore River Basin." Full text of my motion and the resolution is below:

A parcel of land located at 50 Bridge Street in Weymouth’s Fore River basin is the site of a proposed natural gas compressor station. For just about five years, local environmental activists, members of Weymouth’s Town Council, the Mayor’s Office, the Town Solicitor’s office, our elected delegations at the State and Federal levels, and countless coalition partners have steadfastly worked to oppose the construction of the proposed compressor station. With the potential risks this compressor station poses to Weymouth children’s health and safety in mind, I move the adoption of the following resolution:

WHEREAS, Algonquin Gas Transmission, a company owned by Enbridge Energy, has proposed the construction of a new natural gas transmission compressor station at 50 Bridge Street in Weymouth’s Fore River Basin; and

WHEREAS, the Fore River basin is currently the site of dense industrial infrastructure, including hazardous waste, biofuel, and fertilizer processing facilities; gas and oil storage facilities; a power plant; and a sewage pumping facility; and

WHEREAS, currently, the proposed site of the Algonquin Gas compressor station contains alarming levels of dangerous heavy metals in ground soil, most notably Arsenic, and also contains alarming levels of several dangerous organic compounds in the air, most notably Benzene; and

WHEREAS, the process of constructing a compressor station at 50 Bridge Street in Weymouth’s Fore River Basin threatens to disrupt contaminated soil, thereby risking the release of dangerous heavy metals and organic compounds into the air and groundwater; and

WHEREAS, once constructed, the Algonquin Gas compressor station will produce emissions that are anticipated to contain Benzene, Formaldehyde, and 1,3-Butadiene. These pollutants are known carcinogens and have been linked to childhood leukemia, lymphoma, and nasal cancer; and

WHEREAS, there are 32 schools within a three-mile radius of the proposed compressor station, serving a total of 12,062 students in grades Kindergarten through 12; and

WHEREAS, children are exceptionally vulnerable to the detrimental health effects associated with exposure to environmental pollution, and a multitude of published empirical research studies have found that children’s exposure to toxins such as Arsenic, Benzene, Formaldehyde, and 1,3-Butadiene is linked to pulmonary and respiratory diseases, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and developmental delays; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Algonquin Gas compressor station is currently opposed by the towns of Weymouth, Braintree, Hingham, and Quincy, as well as a large number of environmental and community-based advocacy groups, including Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station;

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Weymouth School Committee opposes the proposed Algonquin Gas compressor station and respectfully urges Governor Charlie D. Baker and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to protect the health, safety, and well-being of Weymouth’s children by halting the Algonquin Gas project in Weymouth’s Fore River Basin.

For more information about the proposed compressor station, check out Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station (www.nocompressor.com).” - Rebecca Shangraw, Weymouth School Committee