PLAN-NE responds to Enbridge's request to proceed with construction

Yesterday, Enbridge filed two letters with FERC: 1. A request for an NTP — Notice to Proceed; and 2. Response letter to PLAN-NE’s letter. In their response letter, they attempted to discredit a letter that PLAN-NE Pipeline Action Network - Northeast) submitted last Friday, outlining Enbridge’s lack of necessity. PLAN-NE has since responded with a second letter. Enbridge’s pompous, arrogant attitude is not surprising but it is insulting. Enbridge has not initiated any clean up of soil contamination at the site and have not been able to prove necessity for the gas that the compressor would provide. We are deeply grateful for PLAN-NE quick and strong response to Enbridge’s attacks. You can read the series of letters below.

Nov. 8: PLAN-NE’s Letter to FERC in response to Enbridge’s lack of need (link to PDF)

Nov. 13: Enbridge’s letter to FERC in response to PLAN-NE’s Nov. 8 letter (link to PDF)

Nov. 13: Enbridge’s request to FERC for a Notice to Proceed (NTP) (link to PDF)

Nov. 14: PLAN-NE’s response to Enbridge’s Nov.13 letter and request for an NTP (link to PDF)