CZM issues approval for Determination of Consistency to Enbridge

We have learned that CZM has issued a favorable approval of the Determination of Consistency to Enbridge. We know that this is a difficult day, so please take some time for yourself and know that we will keep fighting. We will never stop fighting.

Our press release is below:

For Immediate Release: November 12, 2019

Media Contact:

Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station critical of Coastal Zone Management's granting of the Determination of Consistency to Enbridge

Community Organization says CZM did not follow its own mandate

Weymouth, MA--The Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station have denounced the Coastal Management Determination of Consistency granted today to Enbridge, Canada for the Weymouth compressor station.
FRRACS, a citizens group in the Fore River Basin, has met several times over the past four years with CZM to supply them with information and to request that the Determination be denied on its lack of need for a coastal location in a Designated Port Area. Weymouth Fore River is one of ten DPA's in Massachusetts.

In direct violation of their mandate to establish only water dependent facilities in a Designated Port Area and their mandate to safeguard the public's ability to access coastal waters and recreate in a DPA, CZM has given this permit to a non-water dependent facility and have ensured that the public will not be granted access to the park and coastal waters without threat of injury or the negative health effects presented by this compressor station. Enbridge had offered at least five alternate, land-locked locations to the Energy Facilities Siting Board in 2015. Enbridge (then Spectra) said that the alternate locations would place financial burden on them, an argument that is not relevant to Department of Environmental Protection hearings or to CZM consideration.

Alice Arena, Executive Director of the FRRACS, stated , "While this appears to be a blow to all those opposing this project--including the Towns of Weymouth, Braintree, and Hingham and the City of Quincy--we will not allow this siting to go forward. We will continue to fight this ill-conceived scheme by all means available and necessary. That the contracts for this gas are falling by the wayside on a daily basis tells CZM, DEP, and Governor Baker that this compressor station will be nothing more than a stranded asset for which the ratepayers will be held responsible. We are hoping that the DPU and the Attorney General are scrutinizing this situation."

FRRACS will be determining next steps that may be taken against CZM for this Determination.