Natural gas flaring in Texas gravely under-reported

The Fore River HIA, used by Gov. Baker to justify an air quality permit for the proposed Enbridge compressor station, was based on "data" provided by Enbridge on future emission levels. Here's more evidence that fossil fuel corporations can't be trusted to provide accurate emissions reporting.

Chron - Natural gas flaring in West Texas severely under-reported, satellite analysis shows

Excerpt: “Oil and gas companies in West Texas’ Permian Basin burned off nearly twice as much natural gas they reported to regulators, according to an analysis of satellite data by an environmental advocacy group.

Operators are required to report the amount of flaring, or burning of excess product, to the Texas Railroad Commission, the state agency that oversees the energy industry. In 2017, companies reported 55 billion cubic feet of flared natural gas. But an analysis performed on satellite data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration indicates that 104 billion cubic feet of flared gas may have been flared, according to the Environmental Defense Fund.” (Chron)