How many days does a constituent have to wait to meet w/Baker?

When a local resident called Gov. Baker’s office to express their disappointment regarding MasDEP’s approval of the air quality permit, they were informed that “Gov. Baker doesn’t meet with constituents.” We find this rather surprising considering the fact that, you know, he is an elected official who is in office to serve Massachusetts residents, aka constituents. How can he say that he doesn’t meet with constituents? We’d like to know who he does meet with. Execs from Enbridge? We’re fairly certain that Enbridge is not a resident of Massachusetts. Enbridge won’t be impacted when an accident happens at their compressor station.

His response to residents of the South Shore has been insulting. He has never made an attempt to visit the proposed compressor station site and continuously claims that his “hands are tied”, which is completely false. His words have power. He can speak out against this dangerous proposal. He can actually listen to the concerns of local residents and make decisions that bring their concerns into consideration.

Andrea Honore, a Weymouth resident, has resumed her daily sit-in at Gov. Baker’s office. She first started her sit-in back in 2017 - #sitwithandrea - with the goal of getting a meeting with him to talk to him about the compressor station. She sat in his office for 82 days. And for 82 days, Gov. Baker ignored her. Andrea ended her sit-in in the summer of 2017 after Gov. Baker agreed to mandate a health impact assessment. Now, a year and half later, Andrea has resumed her sit-in, in response to Gov. Baker’s (and MassDEP’s) faulty approval of Enbridge’s air quality permit.

How long will it take for him to acknowledge a constituent in his office? It's a little bit like a mini-series, Fore River Campers. Will Andrea be sitting for 4 years? Will the Governor ever speak with her? And what will become of Enbridge?

Stay tuned! And follow Andrea! #sitwithandrea

Check out The Patriot Ledger’s story on Andrea’s sit-in: Weymouth compressor station foe restarts sit-ins at governor’s office